
Psalm 3

O God of glory, Lord of praise,
~~how aptly You appear in all Your names!

~~You ever set new ways to raise our eyes above the dust of heaven.

Ahura Mazda, Brahma, Yahweh, Allah, Father,
~~Great Spirit, Creator, Higher Power:
~~at dawn Your light, in the desert Your bloom, in spring Your promised bud.


You lower beneath our feet Your dominion;
~~ beyond our crown, You lift Your mention.


O God of glory, Lord of praise,
~~how aptly You appear in all Your names!

Psalm 2

This is a psalm of a new day:
This is a song of the promised day:
This is a prayer of the day of God:
~~Waken, draw near;
Raise the Glory of God
~~In worship;
Praise of the return of Christ:
~~Stand witness;
Thank His return in the name of the Father:
~~Bow low;

His name, Baha'u'llah.
Voici un psaume d’un nouveau Jour.

Écoute !

Voici un chant du Jour Promis.

Entends !

Voici une prière du Jour de Dieu.

Lève-toi, approches !

Élève la Gloire de Dieu,

En adoration !

Loue le Retour du Christ

Sois témoin !

Remercie Son retour au Nom du Père

Baisse-toi en adoration !

Son Nom est Bahá’u’lláh !

Prie !

(Psaume par Marley, traduction libre par Moro)

Psalm 1

This is the testament of time and today;
~~this is the witness of promises and the Promised One.

What is a Psalm?

The word psalm comes from the Greek word, psalmoi, a song sung to a harp, originally derived from psallein, to play on a stringed instrument. The Book of Psalms consists of 150 of these lyrical poems.

The main characteristic of this Hebrew poetic form is parallelism, a balanced thought usually presented in two parts. The first part states a thesis and the second part reflects the thesis, usually in one of three ways: repeating the idea, adding to the idea, or opposing the idea.

(Example Psalm 121:6 "The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.")


A Crown of Psalms

The title of the collection is "A Crown of Psalms: 150 Poetic Meditations"
Each section can be a separate book.
Each psalm can be a small gift book or a poster page.
Psalms on Our Lips (contemporary themes)
Psalms in Plain Sight (Baha'i themes)
A Peal of Psalms (a children's book)
Psalm: Speak (laments)
Psalm Play (wordplay)
Psalm for a Planet (a long psalm)
My Psalms, His Plans (Covenant psalms)

A Crown of Psalms

150 Poetic Meditations

Susan Marie Le Mar

Copyright 2008 Susan Marie Le Mar

All Rights Reserved



~~ psalms from a Baha'i perspective

Welcome to my journey.
Join me as I compose
150 psalms of today's world.