May you soar beyond your search,
~~and may you find the Source of love.
May you see your knowledge as a gift and favor,
~~not to beam or overshadow,
~~but to warm the fruit of unity.
May the spirit of your surrender brook such contentment
~~as to melt the winter mountain’s power,
~~and stream a secret valley of budding wonder.
And may your pooling will evaporate and rise to a high place,
~~and then be gently sent to green the faith of every living thing.
Psalm 135
Pastel petals, bright-ripened spikes; bitter medicine from sweet poison:
~~my Lord, the giver.
Camouflaged predator, camouflaged prey; clever cover with clear purpose:
~~my Lord, the giver.
Measurement, infinity; oneness and one:
~~my Lord, the giver.
Natural disaster, natural wonder; folding an order in forming another:
~~my Lord, the giver, giver of treasure, coin of loss and gain.
~~my Lord, the giver.
Camouflaged predator, camouflaged prey; clever cover with clear purpose:
~~my Lord, the giver.
Measurement, infinity; oneness and one:
~~my Lord, the giver.
Natural disaster, natural wonder; folding an order in forming another:
~~my Lord, the giver, giver of treasure, coin of loss and gain.
Psalm 134
Generation follows generation,
~~and son follows father.
Abdu’l-Baha, perfect follower of perfection,
~~son and light of the Blessed Perfection:
His example was set ray by ray and hope;
~~and in His twilight He set a plan to continue His work,
~~for generations sun by sun to continue His work.
~~and son follows father.
Abdu’l-Baha, perfect follower of perfection,
~~son and light of the Blessed Perfection:
His example was set ray by ray and hope;
~~and in His twilight He set a plan to continue His work,
~~for generations sun by sun to continue His work.
Psalm 133
Contented generations worship in the traditions of their fathers;
~~the centered bend their knees from the loins of their origins.
Believers sense Your wonder, Lord, and find a towering view;
~~they realize Your reason in their minds.
But I am poor in You, Lord; I mourn with the orphan,
~~and I hold nothing greater than the openness of his hand.
~~the centered bend their knees from the loins of their origins.
Believers sense Your wonder, Lord, and find a towering view;
~~they realize Your reason in their minds.
But I am poor in You, Lord; I mourn with the orphan,
~~and I hold nothing greater than the openness of his hand.
Psalm 132
Where, Lord, are your children of community,
~~and where are your children of human unity?
Where are your former rule and order, Lord,
~~and honored borders under your sovereignty?
The seed of this generation is scattered past reach:
~~is this your plan?
As the ripened fruit drops and rolls its core to a new place,
~~and winged seeds flutter in the wayward wind,
and as the burr and barb snarl in fur and feather,
~~so they all fall by your design and plant a sign of your good nature:
and as surely as your friend the squirrel will lodge more acorns than he needs,
~~so each new life will embrace a greater season’s company.
~~and where are your children of human unity?
Where are your former rule and order, Lord,
~~and honored borders under your sovereignty?
The seed of this generation is scattered past reach:
~~is this your plan?
As the ripened fruit drops and rolls its core to a new place,
~~and winged seeds flutter in the wayward wind,
and as the burr and barb snarl in fur and feather,
~~so they all fall by your design and plant a sign of your good nature:
and as surely as your friend the squirrel will lodge more acorns than he needs,
~~so each new life will embrace a greater season’s company.

Psalm 131
Saving Grace, save us from the safe war, unmanned arms that captivate our minds: at their impact, I quake.
~~God, spare us the undeclared war, the terror of surrender to it: this new wave.
~~Set down the horror of remote war: the minute detail it leaves in its wake.
We praise the wonder of wireless fire,
~~we prize the ash of earth where we see the target die,
~~and we believe this artificial ease will become less dire.
Keep us, Lord, until the rain of self-propelled intelligence is seen as drought,
~~until a reign of peace is found,
~~until we have in hand the nearest perfect end for which we fought.
~~God, spare us the undeclared war, the terror of surrender to it: this new wave.
~~Set down the horror of remote war: the minute detail it leaves in its wake.
We praise the wonder of wireless fire,
~~we prize the ash of earth where we see the target die,
~~and we believe this artificial ease will become less dire.
Keep us, Lord, until the rain of self-propelled intelligence is seen as drought,
~~until a reign of peace is found,
~~until we have in hand the nearest perfect end for which we fought.
Psalm 130
They say war can be won;
~~they say in war we stand to gain:
I say the soul has stepped back before training has begun;
~~I say our ground is set back if we march to win.
~~they say in war we stand to gain:
I say the soul has stepped back before training has begun;
~~I say our ground is set back if we march to win.
Psalm 129
In home and travel, love;
~~if plan or puzzle, love;
from need or nourishment, love;
~~when seed or tree, love;
whether stored or spent, love;
~~when the neck of hope is broken, love;
whatever color and clear, love;
~~from temple to ankle, love;
above sold or stolen, love;
~~under one in anger, love;
although wronged, love;
~~even as soon as wronged, love;
my child, blue spruce, white pine, green tree, yellow daffodil,
~~do everything with love;
again, again, again, my love,
~~if plan or puzzle, love;
from need or nourishment, love;
~~when seed or tree, love;
whether stored or spent, love;
~~when the neck of hope is broken, love;
whatever color and clear, love;
~~from temple to ankle, love;
above sold or stolen, love;
~~under one in anger, love;
although wronged, love;
~~even as soon as wronged, love;
my child, blue spruce, white pine, green tree, yellow daffodil,
~~do everything with love;
again, again, again, my love,
Psalm 128
A good life is a turning, as the sun’s flower, the day’s eye;
~~a strong breath of the soul is a nearing, like a prayer:
in the morning, the hope, the offering;
~~ in the evening, the reflection, the thanksgiving.
~~a strong breath of the soul is a nearing, like a prayer:
in the morning, the hope, the offering;
~~ in the evening, the reflection, the thanksgiving.
Psalm 126
Hush awake, dear ones,
~~hush awake, darlings;
winter wolves and summer swans,
~~new spirit, new soul,
and gulls on the sail:
~~darlings, take your waking places.
Push away shadows, push away veils,
~~push away hollow dreams, their voiceless, unmoved, blind world;
nations and borders,
~~new eyes, new ways,
and undreamed grace of unknown peace:
~~dear ones, wash away your haze and wake a new vision of morning.
~~hush awake, darlings;
winter wolves and summer swans,
~~new spirit, new soul,
and gulls on the sail:
~~darlings, take your waking places.
Push away shadows, push away veils,
~~push away hollow dreams, their voiceless, unmoved, blind world;
nations and borders,
~~new eyes, new ways,
and undreamed grace of unknown peace:
~~dear ones, wash away your haze and wake a new vision of morning.
Psalm 125
This I will remember when I take flight above my grave,
~~and this I will remember when I face the breaking day of sky:
that through the flood of life’s proud fire,
~~and in the quake of tears and time,
You remembered me, Lord,
~~and You increased my span until the moment I could fly.
~~and this I will remember when I face the breaking day of sky:
that through the flood of life’s proud fire,
~~and in the quake of tears and time,
You remembered me, Lord,
~~and You increased my span until the moment I could fly.
Psalm 124
Young, without a care, I had a good-luck rabbit’s foot;
~~I carried a silver-chained rabbit’s foot, not knowing its true owner.
Long ago lost, the dead foot unlocked a lesson:
~~the Lord of tender mercies frees the luckless child’s burden.
~~I carried a silver-chained rabbit’s foot, not knowing its true owner.
Long ago lost, the dead foot unlocked a lesson:
~~the Lord of tender mercies frees the luckless child’s burden.
Psalm 123
Let me come closer, Lord,
~~and come closer to me.
As psalmic lines move finger pilgrims over paper,
~~so make the measure of my verse, Lord, ever closer.
~~and come closer to me.
As psalmic lines move finger pilgrims over paper,
~~so make the measure of my verse, Lord, ever closer.
Psalm 122
God enlightened His children as they grew;
~~He put forth a season of wildflowers in a promised land.
His early lovers called on Him in cycles of serpentine struggles;
~~the brave and frightened psalmist of Zion also called on Him.
In time, the Lord made youth from the lining of the child;
~~He raised His warmed ones to outgrow their ancient unawakened ways.
Soft rays dispersed cloudy young minds,
~~and mild rains filtered the dust of childhood.
Youth grew into a great century of light, filled and satisfied;
~~in this day, Earth is such a youth, robust, rebellious, in sweet ripeness and pride.
With dread and judgment, the Father Himself will appear to still this natural struggle;
~~the Lord will show their wandering the way.
Surely youth in all their wild lands will look toward light and glory;
~~they will walk toward light and glory along this rocky floor of the sky.
~~He put forth a season of wildflowers in a promised land.
His early lovers called on Him in cycles of serpentine struggles;
~~the brave and frightened psalmist of Zion also called on Him.
In time, the Lord made youth from the lining of the child;
~~He raised His warmed ones to outgrow their ancient unawakened ways.
Soft rays dispersed cloudy young minds,
~~and mild rains filtered the dust of childhood.
Youth grew into a great century of light, filled and satisfied;
~~in this day, Earth is such a youth, robust, rebellious, in sweet ripeness and pride.
With dread and judgment, the Father Himself will appear to still this natural struggle;
~~the Lord will show their wandering the way.
Surely youth in all their wild lands will look toward light and glory;
~~they will walk toward light and glory along this rocky floor of the sky.
Psalm 121
Set a table, celebrate and eat;
~~set out a feast after the yearly month of fasting.
What shall we eat in the beginning of spring, before the planting?
~~Before the Ridvan meeting and its planning, what shall we eat?
Winter greens over-winter underground;
~~feel the burst of fresh miracles as they become your mouth.
~~set out a feast after the yearly month of fasting.
What shall we eat in the beginning of spring, before the planting?
~~Before the Ridvan meeting and its planning, what shall we eat?
Winter greens over-winter underground;
~~feel the burst of fresh miracles as they become your mouth.
Psalm 120
Where will the knight’s quest end,
~~and what will the pure knight find?
Enemies may cross his path,
~~and castle treasures tempt him.
Such were the Templar keepers who settled the foot of Mount Carmel;
~~they found their aim not an end, but the world’s center. Amen.
~~and what will the pure knight find?
Enemies may cross his path,
~~and castle treasures tempt him.
Such were the Templar keepers who settled the foot of Mount Carmel;
~~they found their aim not an end, but the world’s center. Amen.
Psalm 119
May the loving God comfort you with his name, the Comforter.
May the God of grace bless you in his name, the Blessed Beauty.
May the one true God be your trust by his name, the Spirit of Truth.
May the God of the prophets keep you through his name, the Promised One.
May the God of faith call you to his name, the Glory of God.
May the God of grace bless you in his name, the Blessed Beauty.
May the one true God be your trust by his name, the Spirit of Truth.
May the God of the prophets keep you through his name, the Promised One.
May the God of faith call you to his name, the Glory of God.
Psalm 118
Praise the God of ages, who embraces us with the days of Ayyam-i-Ha,
~~moments like notes of his glad song,
~~dark and dawn like text on a page in his book of glory.
~~moments like notes of his glad song,
~~dark and dawn like text on a page in his book of glory.
Psalm 117
Praise the Giver of clear flowing rivers;
~~Thank the Bringer of pure misting falls.
As waters relinquish and vapors rise,
~~So the earth-bound release their souls to fly.
As rains replenish and settle fields of prayer,
~~So the time-bound find their souls renewed.
He has restored paradise through the clouds of glory;
~~In a drop through the gate of heaven, the place-bound are reborn.
~~Thank the Bringer of pure misting falls.
As waters relinquish and vapors rise,
~~So the earth-bound release their souls to fly.
As rains replenish and settle fields of prayer,
~~So the time-bound find their souls renewed.
He has restored paradise through the clouds of glory;
~~In a drop through the gate of heaven, the place-bound are reborn.
Psalm 116
Please, friend, if you seek a home of peace, family of man, divine foundation, windows to heaven;
~~pray a prayer, praise; sing a hymn, proclaim; raise a psalm: speak!
~~pray a prayer, praise; sing a hymn, proclaim; raise a psalm: speak!
Psalm 115
How can a helpless human survive immersed in water?
~~How is it feeblekind survives immersed nine months in water?
How can an infant overcome the aching tides of need and letting go?
~~Lord, help me pass the tempting waves of hope and having, past beginning to being.
~~How is it feeblekind survives immersed nine months in water?
How can an infant overcome the aching tides of need and letting go?
~~Lord, help me pass the tempting waves of hope and having, past beginning to being.
Psalm 114
For man, His mystery, the God of all accords a science to His will;
~~the Lord wraps wonder in His order that man may marvel at His rule.
~~the Lord wraps wonder in His order that man may marvel at His rule.
Psalm 113
Love is a call
~~and love, the message.
Love is a gift
~~and the gift’s long-lived use.
Love is the path a pilgrim follows
~~on his journey home.
~~and love, the message.
Love is a gift
~~and the gift’s long-lived use.
Love is the path a pilgrim follows
~~on his journey home.
Psalm 112
The fledgling breaks free and sails in a smooth glide following nature’s will, but the freedom of human will is not smooth:
~~man is like the quavering of a fragile branch, a twig’s tremor as winged hope springs to flight.
~~man is like the quavering of a fragile branch, a twig’s tremor as winged hope springs to flight.
Psalm 111
Seed of Abraham, flower of brotherhood: Alleluia.
~~tree of life, root of remembrance and reunion: Allah’u’abha.
~~tree of life, root of remembrance and reunion: Allah’u’abha.
Psalm 110
The principled man finds God within his midnight-perfect heart;
~~The pure soul severs his hushed, sweet sin.
The devoted one beholds God within his dearly-embraced free heart;
~~The loving soul rests his fever-born desire.
The accomplished self communes with God in his unicorn-beautiful true heart;
~~The worthy soul forfeits his gleaming, treasured fraud.
The inspired life discovers God within his desert-nested beating heart;
~~The creative soul relinquishes his hollow, howling void.
The perceptive mind remembers God within his ghostly certain heart;
~~The wise soul lays down his gossamer shroud of misery.
The faithful voice regains God within his king-bowing followed heart;
~~The brave soul forsakes his ready, bloodhounded dread.
The thankful spirit divines God within his ever-emptying full heart;
~~The joyous soul burns the flame of his glorious pain.
The powerful figure unearths God in his dragon-egg innocent heart;
~~The strong soul guts his finely fortified will.
The peaceful being faces God in his light-blinding whole heart;
~~The balanced soul drops his endless, beginningless fall.
~~The pure soul severs his hushed, sweet sin.
The devoted one beholds God within his dearly-embraced free heart;
~~The loving soul rests his fever-born desire.
The accomplished self communes with God in his unicorn-beautiful true heart;
~~The worthy soul forfeits his gleaming, treasured fraud.
The inspired life discovers God within his desert-nested beating heart;
~~The creative soul relinquishes his hollow, howling void.
The perceptive mind remembers God within his ghostly certain heart;
~~The wise soul lays down his gossamer shroud of misery.
The faithful voice regains God within his king-bowing followed heart;
~~The brave soul forsakes his ready, bloodhounded dread.
The thankful spirit divines God within his ever-emptying full heart;
~~The joyous soul burns the flame of his glorious pain.
The powerful figure unearths God in his dragon-egg innocent heart;
~~The strong soul guts his finely fortified will.
The peaceful being faces God in his light-blinding whole heart;
~~The balanced soul drops his endless, beginningless fall.
Psalm 109
Still in my dream and imagining: awake, Apocalypse!
~~Four horsemen are riding; four horsemen are writing with fire in the night fields, writing with stars on silver snow.
Wondrous vision, burning earth, I see a dark dawn:
~~Why raise my eyes to early embers?
It is the will of my Beloved: My eyes open in flames of love,
~~a Covenant as strong as the Holy City, a morning star, its heaven and Bride, the Holy Mountain, its gold dome.
~~Four horsemen are riding; four horsemen are writing with fire in the night fields, writing with stars on silver snow.
Wondrous vision, burning earth, I see a dark dawn:
~~Why raise my eyes to early embers?
It is the will of my Beloved: My eyes open in flames of love,
~~a Covenant as strong as the Holy City, a morning star, its heaven and Bride, the Holy Mountain, its gold dome.
Psalm 108
The fearful set the world ablaze and turn its heart to ash,
~~but the faithful move the world;
~~they set the hearts ablaze and turn the earth to God.
~~but the faithful move the world;
~~they set the hearts ablaze and turn the earth to God.
Psalm 107
As the eagle wields its sight for life, O Lord,
~~so let me see Your signs in Scripture, the mysteries of Your Word.
~~so let me see Your signs in Scripture, the mysteries of Your Word.
Psalm 105
Praise God as the mineral kingdom praises God;
~~lift your voice as the rocks, mountains, rivers, air.
Praise God as the plant kingdom praises him;
~~lift your voice as the clover on the prairie, the ancient giant sequoia.
Praise God as the animal kingdom praises God;
~~lift your voice as the wolf whether lone or in the pack.
Praise God as the child of the kingdom gives him praise;
~~uplift your voice as the returned adult, having seen the saint.
Praise him;
~~give him praise.
~~lift your voice as the rocks, mountains, rivers, air.
Praise God as the plant kingdom praises him;
~~lift your voice as the clover on the prairie, the ancient giant sequoia.
Praise God as the animal kingdom praises God;
~~lift your voice as the wolf whether lone or in the pack.
Praise God as the child of the kingdom gives him praise;
~~uplift your voice as the returned adult, having seen the saint.
Praise him;
~~give him praise.
Psalm 104
Men shout power over my voice;
~~men, as cruel as children, shout power; they are crowned world’s owners over my voice.
They leave me nothing in a loud void;
~~they leave my company; I am nothingness in a just God.
I know them; I was once that child:
~~I, unknowing, was once childish, judging I was nothing like them, proud.
How can the child find himself above even a beast?
~~How blessed the man like a creature that hears past human voice, even high, even low.
~~men, as cruel as children, shout power; they are crowned world’s owners over my voice.
They leave me nothing in a loud void;
~~they leave my company; I am nothingness in a just God.
I know them; I was once that child:
~~I, unknowing, was once childish, judging I was nothing like them, proud.
How can the child find himself above even a beast?
~~How blessed the man like a creature that hears past human voice, even high, even low.
Psalm 102
The Lord is my healer;
~~my soul is well in his all-healing hand.
My spirit is whole in the arm of his care;
~~the Holy One is my cure.
Give me medicine from the physician who follows him;
~~give me a remedy from the doctor who hallows him.
~~my soul is well in his all-healing hand.
My spirit is whole in the arm of his care;
~~the Holy One is my cure.
Give me medicine from the physician who follows him;
~~give me a remedy from the doctor who hallows him.
Psalm 101
I set my feet in fields where you dwell, O Lord, in meadows swelled with chamomile;
~~I press my heels on hillocks where you ripen petaled eyes and there I sense a spray of yellow solace.
From your scent, the fragrance of lavender warms my bath;
~~from your palate, the flavor of coriander fills my bowl.
Let the greenlings of all the earth fall before me on a path that leads me only to your nearness;
~~let my desires descend from the ever-higher mountain pass.
Make my wonder at your handiwork a world of joy;
~~make my comfort the secrets of love you cradle in the folds of a rose.
~~I press my heels on hillocks where you ripen petaled eyes and there I sense a spray of yellow solace.
From your scent, the fragrance of lavender warms my bath;
~~from your palate, the flavor of coriander fills my bowl.
Let the greenlings of all the earth fall before me on a path that leads me only to your nearness;
~~let my desires descend from the ever-higher mountain pass.
Make my wonder at your handiwork a world of joy;
~~make my comfort the secrets of love you cradle in the folds of a rose.
Psalm 100
Blessed is the daughter who loves the Lord as the willow loves the river,
~~as the slender branch loves the river and the wren.
Blessed is the son who loves God as stone loves the earth,
~~as soft, pure marble loves its earthly calling and the sculptor’s angel song.
~~as the slender branch loves the river and the wren.
Blessed is the son who loves God as stone loves the earth,
~~as soft, pure marble loves its earthly calling and the sculptor’s angel song.
Psalm 98
As the glow of the moon shows the hidden work of the sun,
~~so the work of The Hidden Words shows the light of religion as one.
~~so the work of The Hidden Words shows the light of religion as one.
Psalm 97
Let me look up, Lord, from my low place to the point of your wisdom;
~~let me be eye and eagle circling the high peak, absorbed by a crystal of snow.
~~let me be eye and eagle circling the high peak, absorbed by a crystal of snow.
Psalm 96
Father of the fatherless, Friend of the friendless, Forgiver of the unforgiven,
~~One without whom my soul is utterly abandoned:
when my hope alone asks not to be forbidden,
~~unlock and open the hosts of heaven!
~~One without whom my soul is utterly abandoned:
when my hope alone asks not to be forbidden,
~~unlock and open the hosts of heaven!
Psalm 95
Psalm, praise grace and bliss.
Psalm, voice noise and glory.
Psalm, silence tears and sorrow.
Psalm, sing joy and heaven.
Psalm, voice noise and glory.
Psalm, silence tears and sorrow.
Psalm, sing joy and heaven.
Psalm 81
In its nature a dog will guide and guard, will herd and sled,
~~and in its working will obediently lead:
~~such is my course set in the land of the Lord.
~~and in its working will obediently lead:
~~such is my course set in the land of the Lord.
Psalm 80
Said the ascendant Lord: turn to the master,
~~follow him;
said the master: I am the servant,
~~follow me.

~~follow him;
said the master: I am the servant,
~~follow me.

Psalm (to forgive) 94
Teach me to forgive, Lord;
~~teach me to give as before.
I was an innocent injured, offended, orphaned;
~~I was abandoned to wander the hungry mouth of night.
In the belly of pain, I was fit with anger;
~~in desire's dark gut, my force was seized with war and prayer.
Seeking comfort aside from the Comforter, I was shaken: forgive me;
~~following power outside the Almighty, I was broken: teach me to be pure.
That I may give as You give, Lord,
~~lead me to myself once more.
~~teach me to give as before.
I was an innocent injured, offended, orphaned;
~~I was abandoned to wander the hungry mouth of night.
In the belly of pain, I was fit with anger;
~~in desire's dark gut, my force was seized with war and prayer.
Seeking comfort aside from the Comforter, I was shaken: forgive me;
~~following power outside the Almighty, I was broken: teach me to be pure.
That I may give as You give, Lord,
~~lead me to myself once more.

Psalm 79
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