
Psalm 129

In home and travel, love;
~~if plan or puzzle, love;

from need or nourishment, love;
~~when seed or tree, love;

whether stored or spent, love;
~~when the neck of hope is broken, love;

whatever color and clear, love;
~~from temple to ankle, love;

above sold or stolen, love;
~~under one in anger, love;

although wronged, love;
~~even as soon as wronged, love;

my child, blue spruce, white pine, green tree, yellow daffodil,
~~do everything with love;

again, again, again, my love,

Psalm 128

A good life is a turning, as the sun’s flower, the day’s eye;
~~a strong breath of the soul is a nearing, like a prayer:

in the morning, the hope, the offering;
~~ in the evening, the reflection, the thanksgiving.

Psalm 127

He that follows the word of the Lord
~~will lead the world to the Lord.


Psalm 126

Hush awake, dear ones,
~~hush awake, darlings;

winter wolves and summer swans,
~~new spirit, new soul,

and gulls on the sail:
~~darlings, take your waking places.

Push away shadows, push away veils,
~~push away hollow dreams, their voiceless, unmoved, blind world;

nations and borders,
~~new eyes, new ways,

and undreamed grace of unknown peace:
~~dear ones, wash away your haze and wake a new vision of morning.


Psalm 125

This I will remember when I take flight above my grave,
~~and this I will remember when I face the breaking day of sky:

that through the flood of life’s proud fire,
~~and in the quake of tears and time,

You remembered me, Lord,
~~and You increased my span until the moment I could fly.

Psalm 124

Young, without a care, I had a good-luck rabbit’s foot;
~~I carried a silver-chained rabbit’s foot, not knowing its true owner.

Long ago lost, the dead foot unlocked a lesson:
~~the Lord of tender mercies frees the luckless child’s burden.