

Sometimes participants of Bible study groups, when reading the Book of Psalms, will attempt to write a psalm, often one based on the well-known Twenty-Third Psalm. A particularly enthusiastic student might undertake the composition of 150 psalms, the number of psalms in the Book of Psalms.

In this collection of 150 original psalms, I have presented content relevant to today’s world, while drawing inspiration from the biblical psalms. As I composed, I posted my psalms in progress in chronological order, along with my nature photography, to my blog, titled, PsalmSpeak.

The final manuscript, titled, A Crown of Psalms: 150 Poetic Meditations, is categorized into three main sections:
“A Peal of Psalms,” a children’s book (psalms 17 through 9, 17 being the first);
“Psalms on Our Lips,” a selection of psalms on spiritual themes;
“Psalms in Plain Sight,” a selection of psalms on religious themes from my personal Baha’i perspective.

To readers who may identify some inconsistency in capitalization of sacred names, I offer the explanation that my method involves a degree of poetic license, using Baha’i conventions as a rule, but observing the style of the King James version of the Bible at times for effect.

These psalms are simple expressions. I regard them to be a kind of folk art, possibly evolving as they are shared. In the case of the biblical psalms, we have lost their melodies; perhaps the psalms in this collection will be modified if music is added. It is my hope that they will be uplifting suggestions for the reader’s consideration.

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